Neighborhood Overview
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Hill Country Neighborhoods
The amenities in the Hill Country are all over the map too, much like city neighborhoods. However, you will also find uniquely Hill Country amenities such as, Ag-Use Tax Exempt and Wildlife Tax Exempt neighborhoods. These areas have applied as a neighborhood community for one or the other of these property use tax exemptions, therefor giving all of the land owners the benefit of huge property tax breaks they could not otherwise qualify for on their own, because of the size of their individual property. The landowners in Ag-Exempt neighborhoods such as Tierra Linda in Kerrville, allow the community cattle, sheep, goats or whatever livestock they raise to graze through out the neighborhood. The revenue and profits of the sale of the livestock go back into the community fund to keep the ranch going. Wildlife Tax Exempt neighborhoods such as Medina Springs, located on Hwy 16 just north of Medina, TX, require each property owner to do the designated wildlife feeding, provide nesting boxes for game birds and other things as outlined by the State of Texas. If you are looking to have acreage with the benefits of quality restrictions and amenities then there is a neighborhood in the Hill Country for you.